I’m a Soul Level Animal Communicator®, Energy Healer, Human Design + Gene Keys Reader.

I help you discover why your pets are here & what their purpose is. The lessons we learn from our animals; guide, empower and inspire us to embrace life’s challenges and transform them into gifts. I also help you weave together your life story through your unique energetic blueprint in order to live in alignment.

Your animals just happen to help you get there faster….

As a 4/1 Emotional Projector,

I love to guide others

I have become a seer instead of a seeker. Study, preparation and mastering topics I am passionate about has become my essential nutrition.

As a projector, YOU need to invite me. Only after I receive the invitation can I accept the opportunity to work with you (if it feels right).

I allow life come to me...

Animal Communication

Soul Level Animal Communication® helps us read into those silly, quirky, annoying, adorable, and frustrating behaviours that are being mirrored for our soul’s purpose. Our animals help us to evolve with unconditional love and guidance. In a Soul Level reading, we can find out how your animal is working with you to become a better person. We can ask your animal about problematic behaviour. Animals can be alive or in spirit.

Akashic Records

Think of the Akashic Records simply as an energetic database that stores every choice that we have ever made. Each Soul has its own Akashic Record as part of its fifth-dimensional aspect. Remember, our choices make a powerful impact on all other dimensional aspects of our existence, and that includes our fifth-dimensional aspect! Since there is no linear time in the fifth dimension, information about every choice the Soul has ever made is available within the Akashic Records.

Human Design

The Human Design System synthesizes aspects of two types of science: Astrology, the Chinese I’Ching, the Chakras and The Tree of Life and the contemporary disciplines of Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry. As a logical, empirical and practical system, Human Design does not ask that you believe anything. It merely offers you the opportunity to explore and experiment with the mechanics of your nature, and your evolving consciousness, in order to find out for yourself exactly what works for you.